Hello world!

Welcome to the new brain dump.

Why does this site exist, you may ask? I learned recently that you can obtain Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of upcoming novels. Not just everyone gets selected for this excitement, as it’s people who contribute to the reading community in the form of honest feedback about the writing through your perspective, to try and draw like minded individuals into their reading circle. Yup, I want those early reads. I’m impatient. I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine, book industry.

I’d also like to use this as a way to try and record projects, whether it be knitting, weaving, painting, plants, the list goes on and on. Ravelry is lovely for knitting and crochet tracking, but I do so much more that it just can’t keep up with me. I also love to share my projects with others, as I’m proud of my work. What better way to share my projects by using another project, a personal website!

We’ve launched on 12/7, and will be heavily under construction while I learn what the heck a WordPress. Gimme some time.


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